UPSC IES/ISS Vacancy 2016 Details:.
Marks will not be allotted for mere superficial knowledge..
UPSC Indian Statistical Service – General English Syllabus. UPSC IES / ISS EXAM Notification 2015.
Pointers (concept only).
Paper | Subjects | Total Marks | Duration |
I | General Studies | 200 marks | 2 hours |
II | Aptitude Skills | 200 marks | 2 hours |
Section 1 will contains written test for 1000 marks and syllabus will be asked from general English, general studies, general economics I II III and Indian economics subjects.
While preparing for UPSC IES ISS those important topics are given here.
Lorenze curve and Gini coefficient.
.Candidates who are applying for UPSC IES ISS Exam can now get the exam pattern, syllabus, and cutoff.
Indian Statistical Service. Concept of Asymptotic relative. Theory of linear estimation, Gauss-Markov linear models, estimable functions, error and estimation space, normal equations and least square estimators, estimation of error variance, estimation with correlated observations, properties of least square estimators, generalized inverse of a matrix and solution of normal equations, variances and covariances of least square estimators..
General English and general studies are both of subjective type and both the examination papers of IES and ISS are same. disturbances, pure and mixed estimation.. So, in our mindmaps, these broad topics have been further broken down into sub-topics, and examples to help you understand what exactly to read, and what to avoid..
Characteristics of good estimator Estimation methods of maximum likelihood Minimum Chi-Square Moments and squares Minimum variance bound estimators Bhattacharya bounds Sufficient estimator Factorization theorem Complete statistics Rao-Blackwell theorem Confidence interval estimation Optimum confidence bounds Resampling, Bootstrap and Jacknife. UPSC IES exam admit card 2016.Union public service commission had earlier invited candidates to apply for Group A posts in various government organizations through IES and ISS and candidates in large numbers have applied for the examination.
General Studies 4 (Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude) Optional 1 (Of your choice).
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