The candidates those who have appeared for the above exam can download their answer from website..
Check UPPSC PCS Prelims Cut Off Marks 2016.
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is constituted under the the provision of the UP Public Service Commission Act 2014. Generally UPPSC is responsible for the filling vacancies in the Uttar Pradesh state and regularly it releases various notifications to fill the vacancies this time it has pushed to wards Upper Subordinate Services1 vacancies almost it has the 331 PCS vacancies are there. click on this link after that. Thereafter, Set wise answer key will appear on your screen in pdf format. Age Limits for Combined State & Upper Subordinate Service 2016: The candidates age must have minimum age of 21 years and must not be more than 40years as on 01/07/2015. [sociallocker] Thanks for like/sharing:.
Each candidate is required to selected optional subject for main examination
.UPPSC PCS Answer Key 2015 Upper Subordinate Question paper key check UPPSC Upper Subordinate Services Exam 2015 Answer key on it’s main site District Minority Welfare Officer. Aspirants are searching for UPPSC PCS Answer Key 2015 or UPPSC PCS Pre Exam Answer Key 2015 or UPPSC Answer Key 2015 and UPPSC PCS Pre Exam Answer Sheet 2015 or UPPSC PCS Pre Exam Solved Question Papers.. Department was received online application from from 11th January 2016 to 11th February 2016 and students are also download their exam admit card.
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is the organization of State authorized to civil service exam for appointments at entry to various civil services of Uttar Pradesh
1 | C | 76 | A |
2 | B | 77 | B |
3 | A | 78 | A |
4 | B | 79 | B |
5 | B | 80 | C |
6 | D | 81 | C |
7 | A | 82 | C |
8 | D | 83 | D |
9 | A | 84 | A |
10 | D | 85 | C |
11 | A | 86 | D |
12 | C | 87 | A |
13 | D | 88 | B |
14 | A | 89 | B |
15 | D | 90 | B |
16 | C | 91 | D |
17 | C | 92 | A |
18 | B | 93 | C |
19 | B | 94 | D |
20 | C | 95 | D |
21 | C | 96 | C |
22 | C | 97 | C |
23 | B | 98 | D |
24 | A | 99 | D |
25 | D | 100 | C |
26 | C | 101 | A |
27 | B | 102 | C |
28 | B | 103 | A |
29 | B | 104 | B |
30 | B | 105 | C |
31 | A | 106 | D |
32 | A | 107 | C |
33 | D | 108 | D |
34 | D | 109 | B |
35 | C | 110 | B |
36 | A | 111 | C |
37 | C | 112 | C |
38 | D | 113 | A |
39 | C | 114 | B |
40 | C | 115 | C |
41 | B | 116 | D |
42 | A | 117 | B |
43 | B | 118 | D |
44 | C | 119 | C |
45 | A | 120 | A |
46 | A | 121 | A |
47 | B | 122 | C |
48 | B | 123 | B |
49 | C | 124 | D |
50 | D | 125 | A |
51 | A | 126 | A |
52 | B | 127 | D |
53 | C | 128 | D |
54 | D | 129 | A |
55 | A | 130 | B |
56 | B | 131 | C |
57 | A | 132 | D |
58 | D | 133 | C |
59 | D | 134 | B |
60 | A | 135 | C |
61 | C | 136 | D |
62 | D | 137 | D |
63 | D | 138 | C |
64 | C | 139 | B |
65 | A | 140 | A |
66 | C | 141 | A |
67 | C | 142 | A |
68 | B | 143 | D |
69 | A | 144 | D |
70 | D | 145 | A |
71 | A | 146 | B |
72 | B | 147 | A |
73 | C | 148 | D |
74 | D | 149 | C |
75 | C | 150 | B |
D Olericulture   4. The scam is related to. Q.21) The Census Projection Report shows that India is one of the youngest nation in the world.
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Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is going conduct UPPSC Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Services (Preliminary) Examination-2015 vide Advertisement No: A-1/E-1/2015 Dated 28.01.2015 on 10 May 2015. General Studies Paper – II.
How to download UPPSC PCS Answer Key 2015: To download Answer Key candidates can visit on direct link given above.candidates also get here procedure for UPPSC PCS official Answer Key 2015 which is released later.
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