The IIT-JEE test is organized and conducted by the various IITs by a policy of rotation.. IIT JEE Chemistry-Ionic Equilibrium Video Lecture – 2.
JEE Main 2015 All Subject – Physics, Chemistry and Maths Syllabus                   Download.
Aakash Chaudhry says that following JEE Main 2016 Physics Important Topics shall be studied by students thoroughly-.
JEE Main 2016 Subject-Wise Syllabus can be downloaded in easily downloadable PDF formats:.
The CBT will be covering questions from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with equal weightage to all subjects
Physics | Chemistry | Mathematics |
Geometrical Optics | Halogen Derivative | Limit, Continuity, Derivability |
Wave Optics | Co-ordination Compounds | Method of differentiation |
Electrostatics | Aliphatic Hydrocarbons | Indefinite Integral |
Gravitation | Aromatic Hydrocarbons | Definite Integral |
Current Electricity | Liquid Solution & Surface Chemistry | Application of Derivatives |
Capacitance | Metallurgy | Determinant & Matrices |
Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism | Alcohol & Ether | Vectors |
Electromagnetic Induction & AC | Phenol | 3-dimensional geometry |
Nuclear physics and radioactivity | Solid State | Probability |
Dual nature of matter and radiation | Qualitative Analysis | Differential Equation |
Electronic devices | Carbonyl compounds | Area under curve |
Communication systems | s, p, d & f block elements | Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola |
Errors in Measurements & Instruments | Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry | Complex Number |
Electrochemistry | Statistics | |
Biomolecules | ||
Polymers | ||
Carboxylic acids & its derivative | ||
Amines | ||
Practical Organic Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry Concepts Hybridisation of carbon Sigma and pi-bonds Shapes of simple organic molecules Structural and geometrical isomerism Optical isomerism of compounds containing up to two asymmetric centres, (R,S and E,Z nomenclature excluded) IUPAC nomenclature of simple organic compounds (only hydrocarbons, mono-functional and bi-functional compounds) Conformations of ethane and butane (Newman projections) Resonance and hyperconjugation Keto-enol tautomerism Determination of empirical and molecular formulae of simple compounds (only combustion method) Hydrogen bonds: definition and their effects on physical properties of alcohols and carboxylic acids Inductive and resonance effects on acidity and basicity of organic acids and bases; Polarity and inductive effects in alkyl halides Reactive intermediates produced during homolytic and heterolytic bond cleavage Formation, structure and stability of carbocations, carbanions and free radicals
. Exam is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education to provide admission to deserving student in BE / B.Tech Graduate Courses. IIT JEE Maths-Matrix Video Lecture – 1.FOR EXAMINATION CENTRE OPTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRY. In order to perform all the exam related tasks on time, it is necessary to have a look at the important dates for JEE Main 2016.. Chemicals in food – Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents – common examples.
Download APK (2.3 MB).
IIT JEE Maths-Trignometry phase-1 Video Lecture – 1. All India Tests Series on IITJEE Pattern Printed /Online available.
ANSWER KEY TWT MATHS ( BATCH NT NORMAL ADV) DT.26-09-2015.pdf. Differentiation of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, composite and implicit functions; derivatives of order upto two. Mathematical Induction Principle of Mathematics Induction & its simple applications. IIT JEE Physics-Wave Video Lecture – 4
Paper one for B.E./B.Tech.
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